
Wednesday, 21 November 2012


6 tips for losing weight when you have diabetes6 tips for losing weight when you have diabetes
Healthy weight loss soon after your diabetes diagnosis could help you control your blood pressure and glucose levels. »
6 diabetes-friendly snacks6 diabetes-friendly snacks
Living with diabetes means you need to monitor your diet carefully, but it doesn't mean giving up flavour or pleasure from food. »
6 ways to lower your blood sugar with sleep6 ways to lower your blood sugar with sleep
A good night's sleep can help reduce your insulin resistance and control your diabetes »
13 tips for eating out if you have diabetes13 tips for eating out if you have diabetes
Who says being diabetic means having to stay clear of eating out? A few minor adjustments can leave you worry free and your taste buds satisfied  »
The top 20 foods for beating diabetesThe top 20 foods for beating diabetes
What you eat can help you control and fight your diabetes. »
8 ways to prevent diabetes8 ways to prevent diabetes
Millions of Canadians are living with diabetes and prediabetes. »
5 diabetes-friendly bread recipes5 diabetes-friendly bread recipes
These satisfying diabetes-friendly bread recipes offer a variety of healthy options for any occasion—from tea time to an evening snack. »
Diabetes: Your guide to treatments that workDiabetes: Your guide to treatments that work
Here are seven treatments for diabetes that have been proven to help control your blood sugar and increase your response to insulin »
How to survive the holidays with diabetesHow to survive the holidays with diabetes
The holidays can be a stressful time, even more-so if you have diabetes. »
3 ways stress affects diabetes3 ways stress affects diabetes
Staying cool under pressure is an important part of managing your blood sugar. »

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