
Sunday, 2 December 2012

Foods that fight prostate cancer

Foods that fight prostate cancer

Studies show that diet can influence your risk of prostate cancer, and even slow its progression if you already have it. Find out which foods you should add to your diet
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Garlic and onions - Foods that fight prostate cancer

Garlic and onions

Are you a garlic lover? Good! "The stinking rose" does far more than add flavor to food. Garlic, onions, and their cousins (known as allium vegetables), like scallions, shallots and chives, may help prevent tumors by eliminating cancer-causing substances before they can damage cells. They also encourage cancer cells to self-destruct.

When researchers from the National Cancer Institute looked at how much garlic and other allium vegetables men in Shanghai, China, consumed, they found that those who ate at least 10 grams (1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons/15 to 20 millilitres) of chopped onions or scallions each day lowered their risk of developing prostate cancer by 49 percent compared to men who consumed less. Men who ate at least five cloves of garlic a week lowered their risk by 53 percent.

Aim for: About one garlic clove or 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 25 millilitres) of onion most days of the week.

Helpful hint: Put a few garlic cloves through a press, then add them to low-fat salad dressings, tuna salad and even potato salad. If you'd rather have your garlic cooked, chop the cloves and let them stand for 10 minutes to give the therapeutic compounds a chance to form. Then sauté the garlic and add it to tomato sauce to give it some extra cancer-fighting punch.

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