
Friday 28 December 2012

6 ways to maintain weight loss

6 ways to maintain weight loss

Losing weight isn't always easy, but keeping those pounds off can be just as challenging. Here are six tips to help you maintain your weight loss
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5. Get at least half an hour of exercise, daily - 6 ways to maintain weight loss

5. Get at least half an hour of exercise, daily

Yes, it’s true—you still need to get a good sweat going if you want to maintain your weight. Studies such as the National Weight Control Registry have shown that people who keep the weight off rely on regular exercise as one strategy to avoid regaining the pounds.

Lau suggests women exercise for a minimum of a half an hour a day, doing both aerobic exercise and resistance training (think weights or isometric exercise). “Women should do things they enjoy," says Lau. "Gardening can be just as strenuous as going to the gym.” Lau suggests increasing the intensity and the duration of your physical activity when you're ready for a challenge.

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