
Friday, 28 December 2012

6 ways to maintain weight loss

6 ways to maintain weight loss

Losing weight isn't always easy, but keeping those pounds off can be just as challenging. Here are six tips to help you maintain your weight loss
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4. Use your scale - 6 ways to maintain weight loss

4. Use your scale

The National Weight Control Registry, a study tracking more than 5,000 people who successfully lost weight and kept it off, revealed some interesting secrets of weight-maintainers. Notably, 75 percent of people weigh themselves once a week—a recommendation that Dr. Lau agrees with. “If you’ve gained one or two pounds, [you'll know to] watch the portions,” advises Lau.

Sometimes it’s tough to know when a higher number on the scale means you're retaining water, rather than truly gaining weight. If you’re retaining fluid, your rings or shoes will feel tight. However, a tight waistband on your favourite jeans could reflect either a water gain or an excess of food. Step on the scale regularly to keep weight in check before it has a chance to creep up again.

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