5 tips for a healthy pregnancy with diabetes
A healthy pregnancy with diabetes is possible. Keep yourself and your baby in good health with these five important health tips
By Jacqueline Nunes

Are you at risk?
If you’re pregnant, you might be thinking about the amount of folic acid in your multivitamin. Or maybe you’re just thinking about where to find pickle-flavoured ice cream at 2 a.m. You’re probably not aware of how your body’s elevated hormones are messing with insulin in your cells and spiking your blood sugar. But if you’re within the three to seven percent of pregnant women who develop diabetes during pregnancy—calledgestational diabetes—you should be.
A further 5.5 percent of Canadian women have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and while most are older, the disease is becoming more common among women of reproductive age. Luckily, having a healthy pregnancy with diabetes is also common, with the right help and proper self-care. Read on for what you need to know to keep yourself and your baby in good health for those nine months, and beyond.
A further 5.5 percent of Canadian women have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and while most are older, the disease is becoming more common among women of reproductive age. Luckily, having a healthy pregnancy with diabetes is also common, with the right help and proper self-care. Read on for what you need to know to keep yourself and your baby in good health for those nine months, and beyond.