9 moves for strong, sexy legs
Do these leg moves inside or out—you'll see results either way (we promise)
By Amanda Vogel

Park move 1: Tree stand
Works: thighs, butt (Bonus: core)
A. Stand about three feet (one metre) away from a fence, tree, post or building to provide balance if needed. Face the object.
B. With abs tight and spine straight, lift your right leg behind you and at the same time bend forward from your waist until your torso is parallel to the ground. Reach arms in front of you to touch the object with your fingers and keep right leg extended, creating a “T” shape with your body. Keep your arms, legs and torso straight.
C. Raise your right leg about three inches (eight centimetres) higher into the air, squeezing your right butt muscle (keep torso parallel to the ground). Hold for two seconds. Do eight to 12 reps. Then release and return to the upright starting position. Switch sides.
B. With abs tight and spine straight, lift your right leg behind you and at the same time bend forward from your waist until your torso is parallel to the ground. Reach arms in front of you to touch the object with your fingers and keep right leg extended, creating a “T” shape with your body. Keep your arms, legs and torso straight.
C. Raise your right leg about three inches (eight centimetres) higher into the air, squeezing your right butt muscle (keep torso parallel to the ground). Hold for two seconds. Do eight to 12 reps. Then release and return to the upright starting position. Switch sides.
Tip: Avoid exercising in extreme heat or smog, or when the sun’s rays are strongest.
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