
Monday, 24 December 2012

6 reasons you're not losing weight

6 reasons you're not losing weight

Feel like you've tried everything to lose weight and nothing is working? Check out these barriers to weight loss and find out if one of them is getting in your way
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You’re not getting enough sleep - 6 reasons you

You’re not getting enough sleep

Not only do we crave unhealthy comfort foodswhen we’re tired, but our sleep levels are linked to our hormone levels, says Joey Shulman, the Thornhill, Ont.-based author of The Last 15—A Weight Loss Breakthrough. “People who are sleep-deprived tend to have more secretions of the hormone cortisol, so they’re more stressed out. And that’s going to trigger fat storage as well,” she says. Lack of sleep also causes fluctuations in the hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin, which indicate whether you’re full or hungry.

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