
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

5 tips to help your kid achieve a healthy weight

5 tips to help your kid achieve a healthy weight

Obesity is a growing health concern among Canadian youth and adults. Here are five healthy ways to help your child manage their weight
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3. Gradually reduce a child’s screen time - 5 tips to help your kid achieve a healthy weight

3. Gradually reduce a child’s screen time

Research suggests that the more time children spend in front of the TV or computer, the greater the likelihood of their being overweight or obese. Over the past 30 years, the amount of screen time has dramatically increased among kids, and more and more children are watching TV at even younger ages. In the 1970s, the median age kids began watching TV was four years old. Today, kids are watching TV as early as five months old, despite warnings that screen time should be zero for children under two, and limited to one hour a day for kids two to five. Warshawski advises setting firm time limits for TV watching and other screen-related activities. No more than an hour or two a day, says Warshawski.

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