
Sunday, 25 November 2012

Nibble dark chocolate

15 tips to help lower your blood pressure

Known as a silent killer, many Canadians aren't aware they have high blood pressure. Here are 15 tips that will help keep your blood pressure at a healthy level
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Nibble dark chocolate - 15 tips to help lower your blood pressure

Nibble dark chocolate

9. Turn to dark chocolate when your sweet tooth asserts itself. 
Unlike milk chocolate, dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids that keep your arteries flexible, preventing the increase in pressure that come with stiffer blood vessels. That's thought to be one reason for the normal blood pressure of a tribe of indigenous Panamanians who eat a high-salt diet but also consume massive amounts of cocoa. In addition, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 85 g of dark chocolate a day helped to lower blood pressure in older people with isolated systolic hypertension (when only the upper number of a pressure reading is high). Other good sources of flavonoids include tea and wine, as well as many fruits and vegetables.

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