
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Natural home remedies: Nosebleeds

Natural home remedies: Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds often aren't serious, but they can be embarrassing and annoying. Here's how to prevent them from happening—and stop the flow when they do

Natural home remedies: Nosebleeds
They tend to occur at the most inopportune moments, and the sudden gushing of blood from your face can be both embarrassing and frightening, especially since a small amount can seem like liters when it’s soaking tissue after tissue with crimson. Don’t panic. Usually you can halt a nosebleed—and save face—in a matter of minutes. Here are some effective ways to do it.

Pinch, press and spray

• The simplest remedy for a bloody nose is the time-honored pinch cure. Sit up straight with your head tilted slightly forward (to keep the blood from running down your throat). Gently blow out any clots that could prevent a vessel from sealing. Then pinch the soft part of your nose and press firmly toward your face. Hold that position for at least 10 minutes.
• Tired of pinching? Use a clothespin.
• Still dripping? Wad up a small piece of tissue or gauze, then stick it between your gums and upper lip in the area right under your nose. Leave it there for 5 to 10 minutes.The tissue puts pressure on the blood vessels that are sending blood to your nose.There are countless versions of this remedy—pouring vinegar, witch hazel, or lemon juice on the tissue; using a small square of brown paper from a bag sprinkled with salt; even placing a dime or a small, flat button under your upper lip instead of a tissue.
• Apply an ice pack alongside the bleeding nostril. The cold narrows the blood vessels in the nose to slow the spurting.
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  • Do you have a cold or allergies?
• If your nose still doesn’t stop dripping, sniff some nasal spray. Like ice, it will constrict the vessels in your nose, stanching the flow of blood.

The power of prevention

• If you want to avoid nosebleeds, keep your mucous membranes moist by drinking eight 250-mL glasses of water a day. You are well hydrated if your urine is pale, not dark.
• Don’t overdo the AC. Air-conditioning dries out the air, leaving you more prone to nosebleeds.
• In winter, add moisture indoors by running a humidifier.
• Dab the insides of your nose with petroleum jelly, or spritz your nostrils liberally with a saline nasal spray. Either method will help keep nostrils moist. This approach is helpful if you’re about to take a plane flight, if you’ve just recovered from a cold or sinus infection, or if you live in a very dry climate.
• Watch your aspirin intake. Aspirin can interfere with blood clotting, and of course that’s not a good thing if you get frequent nosebleeds.
• If you have nasal allergies, treat them promptly. Between the constant irritation caused by allergens and the damage done by blowing your nose, nasal membranes take a real beating when you’re having an allergic reaction.
• If you often have trouble with nosebleeds, take 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of vitamin C every day to help prevent them. Vitamin C helps strengthen capillary walls and is also a vital component of collagen, a substance that gives your nostrils a moist, protective lining. Along with vitamin C, take 500 milligrams daily of a bioflavonoid supplement such as grape-seed extract, pine-bark extract, pycnogenol, or proanthocyanins.Flavonoids are known to heal capillaries.

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