
Monday, 9 April 2012

Cause, Symptoms and Treatment of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease taking on many forms which feature inflammation of the liver. The cause is depended on the prognosis and on the symptoms shown. Certain forms of hepatitis are unable to reveal many signs or symptoms and are only noticeable when the longstanding inflammation has led to the replacement of liver cells by connective tissue. General symptoms of hepatitis are noticed by fever, enlarged liver, abdominal pain, and jaundice (icterus). Hepatitis is caused by viruses and Bacteria (Leptospira sps.) and can be Acute (sudden) or Chronic (prolonged). The easy infection of viruses is due to immuno deficiency in humans against the viruses. The Major Symptoms of hepatitis are Malaise (Inactivity), Anorexia (Loss of appetite), nausea, jaundice, Liver failure, Cirrhosis (Liver Fibrosis), Hepatic coma, Atrophy of Glands etc. Hepatitis is categorised into 5 types depending on different viruses causing it into namely : Hepatitis A - Infectious Hepatitis or epidemic hepatitis.
. Hepatitis B - Serum Hepatitis or Serum Jaundice.
. Hepatitis C - Non A non B hepatitis.
. Hepatitis D
. Hepatitis E
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is a parentally transmitted disease. It is caused by HBV, a hepadna virus which is present in the blood. It shows few symptoms and sometimes if passes off asymptomatically. The incubation period is 1 - 6 months so the disease is called Long Incubation Hepatitis. It is transmitted from mother to child, between intravenous drug abusers, also in Male Homosexuals.
The disease causes Cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The disease can be prevented by using sterlised needles for testing and can be treated by vaccinating with Hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis C is Non A non B hepatitis with an incubation of 7 - 8 weeks. This disease is common in parental drug abusers and also through Blood transfusion. Hepatitis D & E are less common diseases with very less effect and symptoms. Hepatitis D virus requires the presence Of hepatitis B virus for its multiplication.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis is the medical problem that appears when your liver is inflamed. This may happen because of a virus, but there are some other factors that can cause hepatitis as well. Alcohol, certain medication and even trauma can cause hepatitis. Hepatitis is not a life threatening condition and can be treated. However, there are cases when a certain virus that causes hepatitis can cause an infection which can last a very long time, known as chronic hepatitis. This infection can even lead to liver failure and even death.
Viral hepatitis is the hepatitis cause by a virus. There are four types of this kind of hepatitis: hepatitis A, the hepatitis B, C hepatitis and of course delta hepatitis. The most frightening of all these types of hepatitis is the hepatitis C. It is cause by a virus specific to hepatitis C. This hepatitis virus affects a large number of people every year. This condition is usually looked at as mild, however this type of hepatitis can very easily lead to chronic liver problems, unlike the hepatitis B type. Everyone that gets infected with the hepatitis virus can be chronic carriers of this virus. However, many of them will not even have hepatitis symptoms.

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